‘One Stitch In Time’ v/s ‘Use & Throw’ Generations

Was listening to a debate on an international channel, about how the last 50 years have been the most destructive years in the history of the evolution of Earth, where 70%of the life (plants, animals and insects) have become extinct. That was shocking!!!

Made me think what have we done to our planet, the only home to life, in the universe? Where did we go wrong in the last 5 decades?

Last 5 decades would mean our parents and us!!
Of course, a lot has changed. From landline to smartphones, from huge chambers of memory storage devices to USB Sticks, from LPG to Air fryer, from being a ‘One Stitch In Time’ to a ‘Use & Throw’ Generation, a lot has changed. And the moment I realised this huge change in our approaches, I could understand where we went wrong.

I belong to a generation of instant noodles and instant gratification. So, for me replacing broken stuff, is a much-preferred response rather than getting it repaired, unlike my parents who always believed in ‘One Stitch In Time Saves Nine’! And that was applied almost everywhere, be it objects, appliances, clothes, shoes or even relationships. They always believed in mending things, making things work, unlike our generation. So instead of getting a routine servicing done round the year, I rather believe in replacing a not so expensive appliance as a matter of convenience.

My counter-argument to this is, “comparative analysis and value add if it makes more sense in getting things replaced, I don’t want to carry on just because I am emotionally attached with my old junk!!” As a result, single-use plastic, obsolete discarded IT Products and devices, clothes have resulted in piles and piles of a garbage dump yards both on land and in our oceans.

Past few months have been instrumental in restoring the glory of Mother Earth, and that gives us another chance, might be the last chance to correct our mistakes and create a sustainable lifestyle which is an all-inclusive one.

Let’s all work together to help the planet thrive again. Let’s leave a home worth living, for our generations to come!!

Author: Shivali

A Counselor, A Research Scholar & A Fitness Enthusiast, Exploring herself on an Inward Journey !!

2 thoughts on “‘One Stitch In Time’ v/s ‘Use & Throw’ Generations”

  1. You call me old-fashioned but I certainly go for a repair, if possible. Last few days, we have been talking a lot about reusing and repurposing. In the process, I came across an article that talked about 3 ‘zero-waste people’ who produce just a jar of waste per year. Inspiring!! Isn’t it?

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